Page authors: Don Knoke, David Giblin
Torilis arvensis
field hedge-parsley

Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Idaho and Nevada, widespread from the U.S. midwest to the Atlantic Coast.

Habitat: Roadsides, forest edge, thickets, fields, wastelots, and other disturbed areas.

Flowers: July-September

Origin: Introduced from Eurasia

Growth Duration: Annual

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Pollination: Generalist


Pubescent annual, the stiff stems 3-6 dm. tall.


Leaves alternate, petiolate, narrowly triangular in outline, two or three times pinnate, the ultimate segments narrowly lanceolate.


Inflorescence of compound umbels, with few to several rays; involucre bracts 0-1; flowers white, the 5 petals somewhat unequal, styles 2.


Fruit ovoid, with straight bristles along the ribs.

Accepted Name:
Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link
Publication: Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 1: 265. 1821.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
(none provided)
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Torilis arvensis in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Torilis arvensis checklist entry

OregonFlora: Torilis arvensis information

E-Flora BC: Torilis arvensis atlas page

CalPhotos: Torilis arvensis photos

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